Get a Glimpse of Cora Evans’ Masterpiece “The Refugee From Heaven”

Hillary Mast

Get a Glimpse of Cora Evans’ Masterpiece “The Refugee From Heaven”

How did a woman with a rudimentary education write so eloquently about life in first century Jerusalem? How could someone with very little prior exposure to Catholicism articulate details of the faith so well?

For Cora Evans, none of this would have been possible without her mystical encounters with Christ. For years, she experienced frequent visions of Jesus and the saints, bore the wounds of Christ, and even experienced bi-location. She received these gifts knowing that Jesus didn't want her to keep them to herself.

Although they remained private for many years, her visions and insight given to her by God are now published in her masterpiece work, "The Refugee From Heaven." Take a journey alongside Jesus as he begins his public ministry and gathers his disciples. Sit at the knee of Our Blessed Mother as she recalls tales about her Son's life. Order your copy today and walk alongside Jesus through His public ministry. 

Cora Evans: Refugee from Heaven Book Trailer from on Vimeo.

Cora Evans has already been given the title "Servant of God" as the first step on her journey towards formal recognition as a saint.