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  • Sunday Gospel Reflection August 11

    Marketing Marketing - Aug 11, 2019
    The following is an excerpt from Cora Evans’ private revelations found in her book, The Refugee from Heaven, selected as a reflection for the Sunday Gospel passage Luke 12:32-48.
  • When God Tells Us to Listen to His Son, We Need To Do Just That

    Mackenzie Worthing - Aug 6, 2019
    There are dark things in the world and in the Church. It is easy to get caught up in fear and anxiety about them. We would do well to contemplate more frequently how Christ has worked, how he is working now, and what he will do when he comes again.
  • Sunday Gospel Reflection August 4

    Marketing Marketing - Aug 4, 2019
    The following is an excerpt from Cora Evans’ private revelations found in her book, The Refugee from Heaven, selected as a reflection for the Sunday Gospel passage Matthew 14:1-12.
  • How to be More Present in the Mass (Even When your Toddler is Busy Headbutting You)

    Kimberly Timmerman - Aug 1, 2019
    How can parents fully participate in the Mass while caring for young children? Here's a five tips from a mother who's experienced it. 
  • Inspiring Books Every Catholic Should Read

    Jeannie Ewing - Jul 30, 2019
    Every practicing Christian knows how important it is to read Holy Scripture on a regular basis. But, other than the Bible, what are the basic building blocks to a healthy and thriving faith? Check out this list for some great reading suggestions.
  • 5 Reasons You Should Go To Adoration (If You Don’t Already)

    Jeannie Ewing - Jul 25, 2019
    Regardless of how or when you decide to visit Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, the key is to simply begin somewhere. It doesn’t have to be entire Holy Hour right away, but start with ten or fifteen minutes and build the habit on a weekly or monthly basis.
  • Why is the Seal of Confession so Important?

    W. P. Bennett - Jul 18, 2019
    Why is it that priests should not reveal what they heard in the confessional? What happens if a priest does reveal anything from the confessional? In this article I’ll try to address all of these issues as well as give a few examples of priest-martyrs who died rather than reveal what was heard in the confessional.
  • Sunday Gospel Reflection July 14

    Marketing Marketing - Jul 14, 2019
    The following is an excerpt from Cora Evans’ private revelations found in her book, The Refugee from Heaven, selected as a reflection for the Sunday Gospel passage Luke 10:25-37.
  • What Are Some of the Different Rites that Make Up the Catholic Church?

    W. P. Bennett - Jul 11, 2019
    If somebody asks us if we are Catholic we say yes, it is generally assumed, at least in the West, that we are Roman Catholic. In fact, it can be very difficult to find a Catholic Church that is not a Roman (also called Latin) Rite in the United States. However, other types of Catholic Churches do exist. 
  • Sunday Gospel Reflection July 7

    Marketing Marketing - Jul 7, 2019
    The following is an excerpt from Cora Evans’ private revelations found in her writings, Gems: Knowing Christ in Light of Modern Wisdom, selected as a reflection for the Sunday Gospel passage Luke 10:1-12, 17-20.  
  • Sunday Gospel Reflection

    Marketing Marketing - Jun 30, 2019
    If we truly believe we are children of God, shouldn't we live our lives with loyalty and devotion to our Father?
  • The True Good of the Body: A (Very Basic) Theology of the Body Primer

    Mackenzie Worthing - Jun 25, 2019
    Man’s body is distinct from the rest of physical creation because it was created in unity with man’s soul. Man is not like the other creatures. He is not like the angels because the angels do not have bodies, and he is not like the other creatures because he has a rational soul.
  • A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

    Jeannie Ewing - Jun 20, 2019
    ONLY FIVE YEARS AGO, I had never heard of Servant of God Cora Evans, nor of her mystical writings. I was a mom to two girls, one an infant who was born with a rare genetic condition called Apert syndrome. And I was drowning.
  • Assumed vs. Ascended: What’s the Difference?

    Jeannie Ewing - May 30, 2019
    When I was a young adult, I attended daily Mass at one of the local parishes, which included the younger children from their school. Their pastor, during his homily, approached the children and asked, “What is the Immaculate Conception?” Eager hands rose high in the air, some waving furiously, but the priest called on the child in the front row who made eye contact with him. He nodded to indicate this child was chosen to speak. “It’s when the BMV (yes, he said BMV, not...
  • Sit, Stand, Kneel, Stand: Catholic Aerobics

    Sara and Justin Kraft - May 9, 2019
    What is all this standing, kneeling, and changing positions during the Mass? It’s a common question asked by many non-Catholics. However, if you get right down to it, most of us Catholics can fall into the trap of just going through the motions without giving them much thought. So what gives? Why do we do all this? Let’s see if we can answer these questions in the next few paragraphs.
The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines

Download The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines Free!

Download our FREE e-Book and go on a virtual tour of the many beautiful shrines in the United States of America. Here’s what you get: • Detailed description of each shrine with map divided by state • Interesting facts, history, and trivia surrounding each shrine • Beautiful images of each sacred location

Browse Our Full Length Titles

Grow Closer to Christ

I Was A Pilgrim In History

I Was A Pilgrim In History

The book tells of the journey of the Magi from Egypt where they first witnessed a vision of the birth of the child Messiah. The story follows the Magi to their meeting with Herod and finding the Holy Family. It then follows the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt and their return trip to Nazareth. The story explores some new details of Jesus’ childhood and how His identity was kept secret. The story continues to the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus, and it ends with the Blessed Mother completing the first Stations of the Cross. 

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans: Wife, Mother, and Mystic is a personal journal written by one of her best friend, Christian Brother, Edward Behan. Behan shares his knowledge of Cora's life and writings, of her thoughts and insights, which unfolded over six years of inspiring friendship. This book sheds much light on Cora and her relationship with our Lord.

The Refugee from Heaven

The Refugee from Heaven

The Refugee from Heaven recounts the life of Jesus Christ as an eyewitness, beginning with the first meeting between Jesus and Peter, on the shores of Mount Carmel Bay. With vivid detail and dialogue, this unique account breathes new life into well-known figures of the Gospels.

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

NOW AVAILABLE! A Time to Laugh and A Time to Weep is a prayerful journey for healing, forgiveness, charity, kindness, and courage that traverses the highs and lows of motherhood and faith in light of Cora Evans’ writings. Travel alongside Cora Evans and Jeannie Ewing — one a woman of the early twentieth century, another a modern Catholic living in the frenzied, post-modern Information Age — and realize that truth, beauty, and wisdom exist outside of time.

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