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  • The Tremendous Impact of Catholic Works of Art on the World

    Charles Kaupke - Sep 25, 2018
    Are Catholic works of art needed in todays society? For centuries, much of the world’s best-loved and most widely recognizable works of art have been inspired by the Christian faith. Michelangelo’s Pieta, Saint Peter’s Basilica, Handel’s Messiah, and many more works of painting, sculpture, music and architecture have enriched human life and have fostered awe for God and reverence for the Catholic faith in millions. 
  • Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

    W. P. Bennett - Sep 20, 2018
    The scenes are plentiful in movies, especially after 9/11 and the proliferation of the depiction of Muslims in movies. The loud “call to prayer” streams forth from the loudspeakers of a mosque and the devout Muslims stop what they are doing and begin their prescribed prayers. It has become a hallmark of Islam, especially the knowledge of Islam in the mainstream culture. But predating this is the tradition of Christians and Jews praying at prescribed times, dropping their work to pray...
  • Why Dorothy Day is a Servant of God

    Sara and Justin Kraft - Sep 18, 2018
    Dorothy Day has been called a saint for modern times. Perhaps, this is because she first tried to live the ideals of the modern world only to discover that the promises of modern secularism are not the solution to suffering or the key to finding happiness. 
  • The Complete Fullness of Truth in the Catholic Church

    John Kubasak - Sep 13, 2018
    From a secular mindset, stating that the complete fullness of truth can only be found in the Catholic Church is short-sighted at best.  Aren’t there many paths to God?  What about the other religions in the world?  The western world lives and breathes a philosophy of relativism.  That is, one person’s religion/spirituality is just as good as the next person’s.  Whether it’s atheism, Christianity, Hinduism, or someone’s private belief, it...
  • Why Catholics Should Fast Outside of Lent and How To Do It?

    John Kubasak - Sep 4, 2018
    There’s no question that non-lenten fasting has disappeared from American Catholic culture for the last fifty years.  So here is why Catholics should consider fasting outside the season of Lent and some practical steps on how to do it.
  • Helpful Back to School Tips for Catholic Families

    Sara and Justin Kraft - Aug 21, 2018
    The return of school naturally turns our attention to the value of education. However, education is not solely or even primarily the task of our local school district or catholic school. Here are some helpful back to school tips for your Catholic family.
  • Celebrating Mary’s Feast Throughout the World

    Gillian Weyant - Aug 16, 2018
    Depending on where we are, the celebrations in Catholicism can differ.  The celebration of feast days especially can be noticeably different across the world, so we may find traditions that are new to us but in fact have existed in that country for many years.  It is especially noteworthy to think about how Mary, our Blessed Mother, is honored throughout the world.  
  • Discover the Roots of RCIA in the Church’s History

    Charles Kaupke - Aug 9, 2018
    The Catholic Church is a church of converts. Ever since Saint Peter preached the first homily on Pentecost Sunday, the Church has been attracting converts from every race, language, nation and culture. But how was initiation into the faith conducted prior to the promulgation of the modern RCIA process? What was it like to become a Christian in the earliest centuries of the Church’s life? And how is modern RCIA similar, and different, to the initiation process of the early Church?
  • The Beauty and Importance of the Four Major Basilicas

    Oakleigh Stavish - Aug 7, 2018
    The Basilica of St. Mary Major is one of four churches designated “major basilicas,” all of which are located in Rome. Also formerly called “patriarchal basilicas,” each of these churches represents one of the major ecclesiastical provinces ruled in the past by a patriarch. Currently, they are called “Papal basilicas” and have an altar at which only the pope or a person designated by him can say mass. The principal four major basilicas are the Basilica of St....
  • The Importance of Reading and Understanding Papal Encyclicals

    W. P. Bennett - Jul 31, 2018
    By going through the different types of documents a pope can release we can begin to see what an encyclical actually is and than we can move into a little strategy for trying to read the encyclical.
  • Unlock the Power of Lectio Divina

    Sara and Justin Kraft - Jul 19, 2018
    In the past series of blogs, you have been introduced to the “Lectio Divina” or divine reading method of prayer. The goal of this post is to provide you with tips to help you unlock the power of Lectio and provide an example you can follow.
  • Understanding the True Meaning of Freedom with John Paul II

    John Kubasak - Jul 5, 2018
    Even though it’s often perceived as a political topic, freedom reaches to the core of the human person.  To understand St. John Paul II’s treatment of it, we have the starting point of his life as a young man, some foundational theological and philosophical principles, and the guides of his writings.  
  • Fulton Sheen’s Life and His Impact on the New Evangelization

    Oakleigh Stavish - Jun 26, 2018
    Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s lessons are timeless and shed light on our lives today. He was instrumental in the start of the New Evangelization and brought our Faith to others through modern means of communication.
  • An Introduction To Praying The Scriptures With Lectio Divina

    John Kubasak - Jun 21, 2018
    In this Part 1 of 4 series on Lectio Divina, learn what lectio divina is, how it works, and where it comes from. This devotional can be a great addition to your daily prayer life and scritpure reading process. 
  • The History Of Relics And Why They Matter

    Oakleigh Stavish - Jun 19, 2018
    The early Church Fathers were unanimous in their approval of the veneration of relics. However, they were careful to note that the veneration of relics is not the worship that is due only to God, but a lesser form of honor. 
The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines

Download The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines Free!

Download our FREE e-Book and go on a virtual tour of the many beautiful shrines in the United States of America. Here’s what you get: • Detailed description of each shrine with map divided by state • Interesting facts, history, and trivia surrounding each shrine • Beautiful images of each sacred location

Browse Our Full Length Titles

Grow Closer to Christ

I Was A Pilgrim In History

I Was A Pilgrim In History

The book tells of the journey of the Magi from Egypt where they first witnessed a vision of the birth of the child Messiah. The story follows the Magi to their meeting with Herod and finding the Holy Family. It then follows the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt and their return trip to Nazareth. The story explores some new details of Jesus’ childhood and how His identity was kept secret. The story continues to the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus, and it ends with the Blessed Mother completing the first Stations of the Cross. 

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans: Wife, Mother, and Mystic is a personal journal written by one of her best friend, Christian Brother, Edward Behan. Behan shares his knowledge of Cora's life and writings, of her thoughts and insights, which unfolded over six years of inspiring friendship. This book sheds much light on Cora and her relationship with our Lord.

The Refugee from Heaven

The Refugee from Heaven

The Refugee from Heaven recounts the life of Jesus Christ as an eyewitness, beginning with the first meeting between Jesus and Peter, on the shores of Mount Carmel Bay. With vivid detail and dialogue, this unique account breathes new life into well-known figures of the Gospels.

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

NOW AVAILABLE! A Time to Laugh and A Time to Weep is a prayerful journey for healing, forgiveness, charity, kindness, and courage that traverses the highs and lows of motherhood and faith in light of Cora Evans’ writings. Travel alongside Cora Evans and Jeannie Ewing — one a woman of the early twentieth century, another a modern Catholic living in the frenzied, post-modern Information Age — and realize that truth, beauty, and wisdom exist outside of time.

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