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  • The Book of Acts: In Power and In the Holy Spirit During the Easter Season

    Sara and Justin Kraft - Apr 9, 2021
    Sara and Justin Kraft reflect on the power of meditating on the book of Acts during the Easter season, inviting the power of the Holy Spirit into our lives, and working to understand unanswered prayers.
  • The Paschal Mystery in the Context of the Passover

    Fr. Mike Liledahl - Mar 30, 2021
    As we celebrate the paschal mysteries this year, keep a sharp eye out for connections to the Jewish feast of the Passover, and as you do you’ll grow in a deeper appreciation not only for what Jesus was doing within the context of his time, but how God gradually prepared his people for the sacrificial offering of Jesus upon the cross on Good Friday.  The New Passover, the new deliverance, the new covenant.  
  • Grumbling in the Desert: 5 Tips to Not Complain During the Waiting

    Jeannie Ewing - Mar 9, 2021
    We tend to complain when we wait, because we do not see what God is doing in and around us. He often chooses to leave us blind to this work, because we must learn to grow in virtue, particularly patience and perseverance. Both can bear significant fruit in our interior lives if we allow them to unfurl during the trials of waiting for something to move, change, or happen.
  • Learning from the Conversion of St. Paul

    John Kubasak - Jan 20, 2021
    The conversion lesson to us is that no conversion can take place without falling before God in humility.  Sometimes God steps in dramatically in our lives—our own road to Damascus—but not always.  We can’t expect or wait for a blinding flash of light, or hold in envy those that do have extraordinary conversions.  The essence of conversion is available to every single person: humility.
  • Why Did the Word Become Flesh?

    Mackenzie Worthing - Dec 2, 2020
    May we spend this Advent season meditating more and more on the bewildering joy of the Incarnation. May we come to a fuller understanding of our need for redemption. May we come to a deeper awareness of God’s love for us and come to love him more. May we spend time in the Sacred Scripture observing Jesus and imitating him in our lives. May we not take for granted our status of divine sonship through the Sacraments. May we remember why the Word became flesh and remember to proclaim the Good...
  • Praying with Proverbs

    Gillian Weyant - Oct 12, 2020
    Reading the Old Testament can be daunting. In this article, Gillian Weyant provides some background and helpful strategies to meditate fruitfully with the book of Proverbs and to apply the lessons to our own lives. "It is impossible to recount the true depth of meaning contained in the book of Proverbs... In the turbulent times in which we live, it is worth taking some time in silence to consider what is important in life: the pursuit of holiness, wisdom and the knowledge of God."...
  • Fostering a Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows

    John Kubasak - Sep 15, 2020
    The Seven Sorrows of Mary is a beautiful devotion in good times and in bad; but it’s of special comfort in the hard times.  Read more:
  • Finding Order When the World Seems to Be Falling Apart

    John Kubasak - Jul 21, 2020
    In the best of times and the worst of times, God offers us peace unlike anything the world can offer.  Jesus offers us divine love, the forgiveness of sins, and everlasting life.  He doesn’t guarantee that we won’t suffer; Christ guarantees the opposite (see Matt 16:24).  He promises the suffering of Good Friday and the glory of Easter Sunday. 
  • Praying Honestly with the Psalms

    Rachel Forton - Jun 30, 2020
    Perhaps you, like me, have had difficulty praying through this challenging time in our nation and world. Lately I’ve found the only prayer to come to mind is that of John 6:68: “Lord, You have the words of everlasting life.”
  • Praying with the Beatitudes

    Gillian Weyant - Jun 23, 2020
    For many of us, our familiarity with the beatitudes is somewhat cursory; we likely are familiar with the general concept and phrasing, but may not have sought to delve deeper into the meaning.
  • Embracing the Virtue of Poverty in Your Own Life

    Mackenzie Worthing - Jun 16, 2020
    The word “poverty” does not usually bring with it any good connotations. Sitting in our comfortable (even if modest and simple) homes in the industrialized world, we shudder to think of those who live in poverty. We think of poverty as a grave evil and perhaps even a death sentence. We picture those with life-threatening illnesses without access to adequate medical care, children without food to eat, ramshackle housing, and people dying in the streets. Poverty that looks like this is...
  • 5 Bible Stories to Inspire You During Times of Trial

    Rachel Forton - Apr 7, 2020
    It is perhaps clearer now than at any point in our lifetime that we need God. We need a God who makes a way for us where there seems to be no way out. I hope that these five Biblical stories of our God’s providence will encourage your faith and trust in the only One who can truly provide for our every need.
  • Take Some Time to Build More Silence into Your Day

    John Kubasak - Mar 17, 2020
    Perhaps now more than ever, we need to listen to the "still, small voice" of God through silence. Here are some practical ways you can bring prayerful silence into your life everyday:
  • Taking Jesus on an Hour Vacation in the World

    Sara and Justin Kraft - Mar 10, 2020
    In her writings, Cora Evans describes a vision in which Jesus asked her to take Him on “an hour vacation in the modern world.” What an interesting and challenging concept. What would it be like to see the world through Christ’s eyes, to act as he would act, and truly think with the mind of Christ as we go through an hour of our daily life? 
  • How to Have a Great Lent (Even If You’re Really Dreading It)

    Fr. Mike Liledahl - Feb 25, 2020
    If the crowds at Ash Wednesday Masses tell us anything, it is that Lent is a powerful season for people; one that speaks to them on a level they might not even understand. But, some people don’t like Lent, they see it as a drag and a drudgery. With that in mind, here is my biggest suggestion to those people, and actually to everybody who will be entering Lent. Do it all, and keep doing it even when you fail at it.
The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines

Download The Ultimate List of U.S. Catholic Shrines Free!

Download our FREE e-Book and go on a virtual tour of the many beautiful shrines in the United States of America. Here’s what you get: • Detailed description of each shrine with map divided by state • Interesting facts, history, and trivia surrounding each shrine • Beautiful images of each sacred location

Browse Our Full Length Titles

Grow Closer to Christ

I Was A Pilgrim In History

I Was A Pilgrim In History

The book tells of the journey of the Magi from Egypt where they first witnessed a vision of the birth of the child Messiah. The story follows the Magi to their meeting with Herod and finding the Holy Family. It then follows the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt and their return trip to Nazareth. The story explores some new details of Jesus’ childhood and how His identity was kept secret. The story continues to the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus, and it ends with the Blessed Mother completing the first Stations of the Cross. 

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans

An Introduction to the Life and Writings of Cora Evans: Wife, Mother, and Mystic is a personal journal written by one of her best friend, Christian Brother, Edward Behan. Behan shares his knowledge of Cora's life and writings, of her thoughts and insights, which unfolded over six years of inspiring friendship. This book sheds much light on Cora and her relationship with our Lord.

The Refugee from Heaven

The Refugee from Heaven

The Refugee from Heaven recounts the life of Jesus Christ as an eyewitness, beginning with the first meeting between Jesus and Peter, on the shores of Mount Carmel Bay. With vivid detail and dialogue, this unique account breathes new life into well-known figures of the Gospels.

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

A Time to Laugh and a Time to Weep

NOW AVAILABLE! A Time to Laugh and A Time to Weep is a prayerful journey for healing, forgiveness, charity, kindness, and courage that traverses the highs and lows of motherhood and faith in light of Cora Evans’ writings. Travel alongside Cora Evans and Jeannie Ewing — one a woman of the early twentieth century, another a modern Catholic living in the frenzied, post-modern Information Age — and realize that truth, beauty, and wisdom exist outside of time.

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